Stand Out From the Competition With Your Own Private Label

Laura Waldon Executive Editor of WellSpa360(formerly DAYSPA) asked me "How do private label products benefit a spa?"

Simply having the right skin care product is important to the success of a spa, both in the back bar and in retail. A spa can create and offer unique, proprietary experiences that customers can only experience in their spa. In creating a special niche it can improve the company's image and identity. Private labeled products that are multi-functional can increase sales when added as accompaniments to existing treatments or sold as a stand-alone regime. Spas will notice a rise in revenue due to healthier profit margins where spas can now offer products at a price point lower than competitive brands. The bonus; when a customer takes product home, they can keep up with the benefits of the treatments creating a lasting impression which helps with client retention. Not to mention that customers is now a walking testimony and marketing advertisement for the spa to potential new clientele via their customers friends and family.


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